lb3Before Lonely Beach became the main spot of Koh Chang regarding the night life and the parties that we know, a few years ago it was a distant village unconnected to the main road where you could run into some rare backpackers staying in dirty huts.

Nowadays of course, everything has changed and you will find a lot of different kind of accommodations, restaurants, activities, places on the beach to chill out or to have fun, ton of different shops on the main road as well as an important nightlife. The nature surrounding LB is quite preserved and you will have to drive across the mountain to get there from the north on a road bordered by the jungle on a side, and some stunning high sea views on the other one.


You will be able to find a lot of information about Lonely Beach on many websites. For example you can have a look on the excellent guide from ExploreKohChang, quite exhaustive.



The LB complex is a huge land owned by a renown local landlord who has the desire to create a new village at the entrance of Lonely Beach. The land consists of 32,000 sqm. divided into many plots available for a yearly rent, with 3 years renewable contracts. The landlord and creator of this new development project is determined to make a new popular area and it’s very likely that this place will soon be a huge spot of the island. The project includes a big hotel, big bars, beach parties, and many more possibilities : the landlord relies on the creativity of the future entrepreneur who will rent some plots.

So if you want to be part of this exciting new project and take advantage of this opportunity, check out our exclusive offers in LB Complex and don’t be too slow : the land won’t stay long on the market. The first shops and bars are already being built right now and the activities will start soon.